Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Wonderful Send-off and Safe Travels

After selling the house, giving away and selling most all of our worldly goods, we move into my parents house for our final week in Hudsonville. They were very gracious and let the shoes pile up the door, the toys scatter from one end of the house to the other, and our luggage stacked up to the ceiling.

On November 5 we finished our packing: 14 suitcase/totes, 6 carry-on bags, and 6 backpacks. (Yes, 26 bags in all, it took 3 vehicles to get us to the airport.)

It was great to have so many of our family and friends come to the airport to see us off. It was great to eat one last meal together and share some laughter and some tears. 

We arrived in Malawi on Friday November 7. All of our bags made it with us Praise God! The travel was flawless...except 2 of the 4 kids loss their lunch due to turbulence.

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