Holly and her husband Drew are both very talented musicians. Drew is the worship leader at our home church, Fellowship Reformed, and he was recruited to help Holly with the planning and organizing.
Together Drew and Holly put together an amazing event. None of us had any idea what to expect from a benefit concert on a Friday night in the middle of the summer. Holly was hoping for a standing room only crowd, I was hoping she wouldn't be disappointed. I have no idea how many people actually showed up for the concert, it was a great turnout, but not standing room only. It didn't matter. The variety of music was perfect. The performers were talented and generous with their time.
To date more that $13,000 was raised by the concert for the work we will be doing in Malawi with There is Hope. We don't know how to begin to thank everyone involved!
Thank you to Holly and Drew who faithfully followed the Holy Spirit's leading and took up the challenge to organize the Benefit Concert.
Thank you to all the musicians who gave of their time and talents!
Thank you to Fellowship Reformed Church for hosting the concert.
Thank you to everyone who came out and gave so generously.
Our greatest needs continue to be for prayer support, and monthly supporters. We cannot do this without you. You are as much a part of this ministry as we are.
Please pray for the kids as they will begin school here in just a couple of weeks. Their lives continue to be uncertain, not knowing when we will be leaving for Malawi.
Please pray that God will continue to raise up financial partners who are able to give on a monthly or annual basis. We are at 85% of our monthly funding goal. We must have 100% pledge before we can purchase our plane tickets.
Please pray that housing would become available for us in Lilongwe near our There is Hope teammates.
Please pray for the right family or individual to rent our house here in Hudsonville.
Please pray for Steve and I as we take an online language learning class September 15 - October 3.
Pray for the family and friends we will be leaving behind as this is a transition time for all of us.
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