Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Water Filters

So many of you already know that Jack's 4th grade class chose to make our trip to Malawi the focus of their spring service project.  Ms. Uthe and her class decided to sell flower pots to raise money for water filters.  As a class they developed a business plan, pot designs, and set a goal of selling enough flower pots to buy 3 water filters.  The class really got excited about this project and sold over 100 flower pots, raising enough $$ for 10 water filters!  Truly a blessing!

The day the class painted the pots we arranged for Lou Haveman, the Sawyer Filter salesman, to give a clean water demonstration.  The kids walked from school over to Hughes Park to find the dirty water we "planted."  With Mr. Haveman's water filter the kids were able to drink our neighbors green pool water right there on the spot.

It's now August and 4 of those filters have been given to the Tsandule Early Childhood Center in Dowa, Malawi.  This center services 5 villages, and has about 120 preschool students in attendance every morning.  The water filters will allow the children and the surrounding villages to have clean water.  No longer will diarrhea be a way of life for them.  They will enjoy health and clean water all because 4th graders in Hudsonville Michigan took the time to care about others; friends they may never meet.


The rest of the water filters will be distributed to 3 other early childhood centers in the Dowa District.

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