Sunday, July 14, 2013

Youth Confrence

Saturday we were able to tag along with the youth from Capital City Baptist Church in Lilongwe as they spent the day with the youth in Dzaleka.  It was a full day of performances by youth from both Lilongwe and Dzaleka;  Singing, dancing, drama and games. 

Lunch was also provided - Mandazi (basically a deep fried dinner roll) and coke.  Mandazi has to be Steve's favorite Malawian snack.  He buys some every time he's in the camp.

Steve and the kids went home following lunch, and the rest of us stayed to participate in the teaching and group discussions. 

Jake taught a hard hitting lesson about being totally obedient to God in all areas of our lives.

During small group discussions may of the refugee youth expressed how difficult it is to be totally obedient because of their poverty.  They feel their deep, and often desperate physical needs sometimes compromise their obedience to God.  Many of the girls talked about prostitution as their only real option to support themselves.  How do you even begin to wrap your mind around that?  Especially as you see so many young girls in the camp.

I couldn't help but think how my wealth also gets in the way of my total obedience to God.  In my wealth I have become prideful, and self-reliant.  I always want more.  I am never satisfied with what I have once I see what someone else has.  Because of my wealth  there is nothing I need that I do not have.  I don't "need" God for anything. 

Perhaps that is why Jesus taught us to pray, "give us our daily bread".  Father forgive my pride and self-reliance, my half-hearted obedience. 

1 comment:

  1. love this april! our pride is no less ugly than prostitution :{ we will be praying for those girls - cant imagine that struggle...thanks for the updates! praying God continues to use you all ~ enjoy your time there!!
